I have a reusable coconut bowl, water bottle, coffee cup, container (for sushi), cutlery and shopping bags on me at all times. I don’t say this because I’m Little Miss Perfect, because I’m not. I say it to educate and inspire others to do the same as we are consuming WAY too much single use plastic.
Did you know the BioPlastic Acai takeaway plastic bowls can only be industrially composted, they can’t be recycled and a lot of them end up in landfill bins 🗑️
If another type comes of Acai takeaway plastic bowl can be recycled it doesn’t often end up making it to the recycling plant as a lot of the bowls end up in landfill bins 🗑️
Plastic can only be recycled 1-2 times as the quality decreases making it unrecyclable, so even though it can be recycled, it doesn’t mean that it gets recycled.
Let’s make reusables the way forward, what reusables do you have?