Like all Aussies I’m so sad to hear about the REDcycle Soft Plastic Collection Service being temporarily paused. It was the first post I read last Tuesday morning, and I felt sick and sad for the rest of the day.
After a day of processing it, like many I have come to the conclusion that it’s highlighted that recycling isn’t the answer. There is a reason it’s at the end of Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
It’s been easy to say “I’ll buy this as I can RedCycle it”
Let’s start Reducing and Reusing first.
Here are some tips and if you have anymore I’d love to hear them!
💚 Buy loose fruit and veg, don’t use the plastic produce bags, why oh why are they still in existence anyway!
💚 Use reusable shopping bags at the supermarket, not the plastic ones, why oh why are these also still in existence!
💚 Buy at local markets and bulk food stores if you can.
💚 Do an audit of the products you are buying in soft plastics and look at alternatives. For example can you start buying your bread from your local Baker and take a reusable bread bag from Onya Life 🍞
Have you got any tips?