Podcast with Team Lewis - Episode 2: Generational Analogies

Podcast with Team Lewis - Episode 2: Generational Analogies

I was so thrilled to join the epic team at Team Lewis to discuss the importance of sustainability and taking action for our climate. As an advocate, it was great to join this conversation and I’m glad to see initiatives like this that help put a spotlight on what I believe is a really important issue.

The truth is, we are reaching a tipping point here in Australia, which is also reflected globally. Now is the time for increased action and we need everyone to work together for the future of our planet 🌎

Tune into the #SustainabilityNow Podcast. Scroll down to Episode 2: Generational Analogies, the podcast is 25 minutes and it was such an honour to share it with these young legends -

Sophia Skarparis - Australian Geographic Young Conservationist of the Year 2018.

Nabilah Chowdhury - School Strike 4 Climate Organiser. 

Cameron Spooner - Advocate for Banning Plastic Straws and my Son!

Grab a water and have a listen, I'd love to know what you think, let me know in the comments below.

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