How do you get started on a low waste journey?

How do you get started on a low waste journey?

I get asked a lot about how to get started on a low waste journey.


It could be ditching plastic straws, takeaway coffee cups, plastic cutlery, plastic water bottles, using shampoo bars, taking reusable containers when getting takeaway sushi, using bamboo cotton buds, and the list goes on!

Pick 1 thing that you need to ditch, master it, feel like a legend and when you are ready pick another thing.

Don’t overwhelm yourself, just remember that every bit helps and no one is perfect, including me. I still have things that I need to change. We are all different stages on our journey.

If you need a hand getting started comment below or you can get in touch with me here 💚

#PickOneThing #EveryBitHelps

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