Australians throw away around 1.9 million tonnes of packaging each year. Enough to fill the Melbourne Cricket Ground nine times over.
This breaks my heart, so over the coming weeks I’ll post tips on how to avoid packaging.
Whilst companies need to do better with their packaging, we as consumers need to do better too, if we don’t buy their packaging they will need to stop making it.
Packaging from takeaway foods gives me anxiety! Here are some options when you are out getting takeaway -
➢ Take a reusable container for takeaway sushi or ask them to put it in the paper bags that most sushi shops have.
➢ Bring your own coconut bowl for takeaway Açai. I carry mine in my bag and use it every time I get an Acai bowl. Check out the legends at Coconutsy 🥥
➢ Bring your own reusable cup when getting a juice or smoothie.
➢ Bring your own reusable coffee cup when getting a takeaway coffee, disposable takeaway coffee cups can’t be recycled and Australian’s use 2.7 million single-use or disposable coffee cups every single day!
➢ Get yourself a reusable water bottle and ditch buying the single use plastic bottles.
➢ If your are ordering a takeaway ask if the cafe/restaurant will use your reusable container. Once you build a relationship with your local and favourites you can always take your containers with you.
➢ If you can shop at The Source Bulk Foods, you don’t have to do a full shop there, you can pick a few items that work for you, take your own containers with you and save so much packaging!
Have you got any others to add?